
It's So Hard to Say GOODBYE!!!

It’s that time to say farewell to the critical &the Academy blog. I must say it has been an interesting experience. I have never been a part of a blog site before and to be quite honest I was not too keen on the idea at first. However, today I stand and admit that the blog was very helpful component to assisting me understand the theories that we learned throughout the semester.
I’ve had a couple of favorite topics/parts of the semester. My first one was the Matrix. I was excited to see the movie, in general, because I had never seen it…so it was a treat in general. But the fact that it entwined with Baudrillard’s concept of Simulacra and Simulation. That was a double treat. It really grasped the concept that Baudrillard was trying to illustrate, which was that the reality that we see through our lenses is not real and it’s exactly what the Matrix was trying to saying. But Baudrillard does not believe the Matrix understand his work. But for me, it did. It helped me understand the concept. One of my favorite topics is feminism. Especially since I had to do some research on it, since my paper was on the feminist view and the objectification of women in music videos. It allowed me to open my eyes to a lot of things and realize how women are objectified in the media. Hopefully, I don’t become like that Grad student and start analyzing every piece of media that I come in contact with and start applying the theories.
But for the most part it has been a positive experience and I feel like I can walk away from the class gaining knowledge that I didn’t have when I arrived to the class for the first time. So I want to thanks Dr. McGuire and the others who helped us understand these theories throughout the semester. Greatly appreciate it… Thank you!!!
S.B. Eyez

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