

First off I want to thank Guest Speaker, Ashley Sheldan for taking the time to explain Lacan and the psychoanalysis theory. The first theory that grabbed my attention was the mirror stage. The mirror stage is when an infant begins to identify themselves as an individual being and detaching themselves from their mother. Mantissa immediately came to mind. When Miles Green comes out of his coma he begins to identify himself as an “it”. This is the first stage of the mirror stage. Imaginary is when an infant identify themselves with their mother. They do not consider themselves as an individual. Ashley Sheldan states, “the mirror stage does not provide the infant with an identity, or with coherence, but rather invites the infant to anticipate a future in which it will have an identity”. When he comes out of the coma he considers himself an “it” because to him he does not have an identity. This is exactly how an infant feels when they are just born. That is the way I see the mirror stage relates to Mantissa.
Another point that Ashley Sheldan made that reminded me of Mantissa was the concept of the death drive. This concept is when the sexual identity is illogical. The death drive aims for sexual satisfaction. This reminded me about what we discussed last class about how in Mantissa, Miles Green sexual fantasies of the threesome with the nurses. This sexual fantasy expresses his desires. Hopefully I explained these concepts and connected correctly with Mantissa. Thanks for reading my post :-D

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