
Dr. Craig

First off, I want to thank Dr. Chris Craig for taking the time to explain and give us examples of the concept of Marxism. It’s funny because although I have learned about this theory before, in my previous class (persuasive strategies); for some reason I still was not able to grasp the concept too well when starting this class. However, Dr. Craig really allowed me to gain a deeper concept of the criticism of Marxism, but not only through a literature point of view but as it affects our society. Through Dr. Craig’s example upon Marxism it shows me how culture and the society around us have the power to control our everyday actions and thoughts.
The main example, that stood out to me was the story about the trendy clothing store and the book about communism. I found it a bit ironic that one would find a book about communism in a trendy clothing store. This completely removes the meaning behind the book by placing it in such a location. Dr. Craig states, “It encourages consumers who purchase products from the store to imagine themselves as radically different from those who do not”. This reminded me of the people who join the protest about killing animals but then the next day they go and buy a fur coat to keep up with the trend of clothing. This immediately made me think of the trendy clothing store and the book about communism. It’s great that the person wants to help with the protest about killing animals…but once they buy that fur coat it take away the whole purpose of them helping the protest.

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